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all suspected abuse should be immediately reported to  admin@happypimpin.net
happypimpin does not tolerate abuse, nor do we tolerate unjust player harrasment. if you suspect another player/players of abuse, the issue is to be presented to the adminsitration. harrassing/slandering the player on the game boards, chat, etc (this includes the spreading of rumors of the suspected abuse) is also forbidden. doing so may lead to the loss of you accounts in-community communication privledges, and repeat offenses can lead to your own accounts removal. this policy is to protect those who may be innocent of the suspect abuse. would you like another player labeling you a cheat? then don't do it to others: let the administration handle it.

for all other communications, you may contact the communities administration via email at  admin@happypimpin.net

many players often assume that messages left through the communities chat rooms, private messaging, or through the forums will be recieved: there's no way to be certain those messgaes will be seen in a timely matter (if at all), and messages left in the forums may go unnoticed for quite some time. it's for these reasons we insist all communication be directed through the communities provided email addresses.

7:44pm Thursday, Apr 18th, 2024
happypimpin © enve